PANAMA: FATCA and Automatic Exchange of Information.

On May 8th, 2024, the Official Gazette of Panama published Resolution No. 201-2572 containing the Registration, User Change, and Entities’ Deactivation Process concerning FATCA and Automatic Exchange of Information (“AOI”) Portal. Financial Institutions that after establishing their internal policies, processes, procedures and control structures identify that there are reportable accounts in line with Laws No. … Continued

Prazo Ampliado de Recolhimento de ICMS – Santa Catarina

Confira: Prazo Ampliado de Recolhimento de ICMS – Santa Catarina. Na TaxUpdate, você fica por dentro de todas as mudanças relevantes na legislação tributária brasileira! Foi publicada no DO-e PeSEF/SC do dia 29/01/2024, a Portaria SEF nº 20, que prorroga, para 29/01/2024, o prazo para regularização das pendências, para fins de obtenção da regularidade aplicável … Continued

ICMS – Remessa Interestadual de Bens e Mercadorias entre Estabelecimentos de Mesma Titularidade

Foi publicado, no DOU Extra do dia 01/12/2023, o Convênio ICMS nº 178, que dispõe sobre a remessa interestadual de bens e mercadorias entre estabelecimentos de mesma titularidade. O convênio foi publicado em face da não ratificação das previsões do Convênio ICMS nº 174/2023 pelo Estado do Rio de Janeiro, expressada através do Decreto Estadual … Continued


An Extraordinary Payment on Account of Income Tax for the Hydrocarbon Sector was published today in the Official Gazette of Argentina through General Resolution No. 5453/2023.  Entities carrying out any of the activities below shall be subject to the payment on account obligations provided that in the FY 2022 or FY 2023 Income Tax return, … Continued

Invoincins Regulations – Identification of Final Consumers

The Argentine Federal Tax Authorities have released a crucial update on their website, addressing the thresholds of invoicing amounts that necessitate mandatory recipient identification. This initiative aims to fortify the Invoices Issuance Control System. Key Points: By staying abreast of these updates, businesses can navigate the evolving landscape of invoicing regulations and contribute to the … Continued